Judy Kramer and David Landy are running on the Democratic ticket for Shrewsbury Borough Council. After decades of a single-party government, these two long time residents of Shrewsbury are looking to change that. 

Here are just a few of the initiatives that Judy and David will work towards when elected:

→ Thoughtful use of remaining commercial and open space.

→ Improved collaboration between Borough Council and the School Board on school initiatives and services.

→ Promotion and enforcement of science-based guidelines to keep our families safe and healthy.

→ Fresh perspectives and clarity in Borough governance.

→ Strong and pro-active environmental practices.

It is time to get some balanced governing in our town. Click here for more detailed information on Judy Kramer and David Landy.


Events Around the County

Find a caucus, event or local meeting near you. Click here to get information on meetings and all upcoming events listed on the Monmouth County Democrats website.

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